To foster a caring, Christian community where educators and families work together to provide programs and opportunities that support our school’s mission, engage our school families, and enrich the lives of our children.
They’re YOU! All parents and guardians of children enrolled at ACS are automatically members of the Association. FFA has 4 meetings during the year, at which members are encouraged to participate, and in which updates on FFA activities will be shared.
In addition to our regular meetings, FFA will organize and host service opportunities, wellness sessions, parent's night-out Bingo, family centered events, spirit night fundraisers, teacher appreciation, the Christmas Bazaar and much more. Volunteers are the key to success for FFA. Each family is expected to fulfill a Stewardship agreement: 20 hours in donations of time, talent, and treasure. Many opportunities are available throughout the year and ultimately contribute to enhancing our students’ Catholic education. Meeting Minutes Sept, 10 2024